Level 1 Coaching Course
Our level 1 course develops coaches to deliver squash to groups of beginners. This course is ideal if you’re an aspiring coach with limited or no experience in coaching. This course is also great for parents or squash leaders who are keen to help out with the coaching or increasing participation at your local club or facility.
Delivery Method: Online/Remote Learning
We realise the way in which people learn, work and engage in coach development may have changed and therefore we have adapted our level 1 course to be delivered in an online and remote format. Candidates that sign up to complete their level 1 course this way will attend four online group sessions and work with a local qualified coach on the practical elements allowing them to achieve the same qualification.
Delivery Method: Face-to-face Learning
Delivering in this form means that the course will take 1 day for candidates to complete the main elements of the course. You will be required to attend the course on a specific day at a set location and complete some online learning components.
About the course
What You’ll Learn
- Deliver a well organised safe, fun and inspiring squash coaching session to a group of players
- Coach basic technique
- Identify simple fault diagnosis and shot correction
- Aged 16 years or older
Course Duration
- Face-to-face learning. This method of delivery will include:
- 1 day course (7 hours approx. including lunch break)
- Online elements through Brightspace
- Online/remote learning. This method of delivery will include:
- Introductory and wrap up call
- 2x group video calls (approx. 2 hours each) led by the course tutor(s)
- 2x practical session delivery in your local club/facility supported by a local qualified and licenced coach (approx. 1 hour each)
- Additional course work (approx. 1 hour)
Course Cost
- £160 per person
EDI Subsidy
sportscotland EDI subsidy funding is available for candidates from the following under-represented groups:
- Women and Girls
- Young people (Under 25)
The funding covers 80% of the Level 1 course, making it just £32 for eligible individuals!
Level 1 Course Details 2024/25
The first course dates for season 2024/25 are now confirmed, with details available below.
If there are no courses which suit your availability, but you would like to participate in a Level 1 course, help shape locations for courses and receive updates when courses are confirmed by completing this form.
Clubs that wish to arrange a bespoke Level 1 or Level 2 training course should contact info@scottishsquash.org for more information.
Level 1 Under 25s - Oriam - 15th February 2025
This one day course specifically for under 25s will take place at Oriam from 10am to 5pm.
Sign up here.
Spaces are limited, and the first ten sign-ups pay just £10!
Level 1d - Bridge of Allan Sports Club - 8th March 2025
This one day course will take place at Bridge of Allan Sports Club from 10am to 5pm.
Sign up here.
Spaces are limited.
Level 1e - Inverness Tennis and Squash Club - 26th April 2025
This one day course will take place at Inverness Tennis and Squash Club from 10am to 5pm.
Sign up here.
Spaces are limited.
Level 1 Women and Girls - Strathgryffe Tennis, Squash and Fitness Club - 29th March 2025
This one day course specifically for women and girls will take place at Strathgryffe from 10am to 5pm.
Sign up here.
Just ten spaces available priced at £10 each!